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name reactions
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Aldol condensation
Baeyer Villager reaction
Beckmann rearrangement
Cannizzaro reaction
Claisen Ester condensation
Claisen Ester rearrengement
Darzens reaction
Dieckmann reaction
Diels Alder cycloaddition
Duff reaction
Finkelstein reaction
Friedel Crafts acylation
Friedel Crafts alkylation
Fries rearrangement
Gabriel synthesis
Hofmann elimination
Horner-Emmons reaction
Knoevenagel Reaction
Leimgruber Batcho Indole Synthesis
Mannich reaction
Meerwein Pondorff Verley reduction
Mitsonobu Reaction
Negishi Cross Coupling
Pinacol rearrangement
Reformatzki reaction
Schiemann Reaction
Sharpless Katsuki Epoxidation
Sommelet reaction
Suzuki Miyaura Cross Coupling
Vilsmeier Haack reaction
Wittig reaction
Wolff Kishner reaction